Instructions — Adding a new contact to ADP WFN

  1. First, make sure you are on ADP Workforce Now.

    1. If you are part of the ADP PEO (professional employer organization), you are using ADP TotalSource — please follow these instructions instead. Thanks!
    2. If you are part of the ADP Administrative Service Offering or ADP Comprehensive Services offering, you will need to contact your ADP account representative to add your application as a 3rd Party Practitioner to your account. Please have them send the Add Admin form to the e-mail address listed in the previous page.
    3. If 1a) or 1b) apply to you, you do not need to continue with the rest of the process steps below.
  2. Go to Setup > Tools > Support. (If you can't see this tab, you are likely using ADP TotalSource, part of the ADP TotalSource PEO, or part of the ADP ASO. Please refer to Step 1 if this is the case).

  3. Click Client Contact Change.

  4. Click the Add New Contact tile.

  5. Select No to indicate that you are not adding an employee and enter the requested information. Some of this information is located on the previous page (First Name, Last Name, E-mail Address).

  6. Scroll down to Access Settings.

  7. Select No, let me choose the options manually to ****begin selecting settings. Select:

  8. Click Submit.

  9. As a result, the user has been added as an authorized contact and will receive a welcome email and user credentials. Thank you!

Instructions — Verifying the new contact has the correct permissions

The steps above should automatically grant the user Standard Practitioner access. This user type is required in order to successfully service this integration. Please verify that you have set up a Standard Practitioner user by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Security > Access Permissions > Manage People.

  2. Search for the contact you just set up and select their name.

  3. Click Manage Profile Memberships.

  4. Ensure the user is assigned the Standard Practitioner role.

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  5. Click Save.

  6. Navigate to the People Access tab and ensure this user is granted View & Edit Access to all People.